People Making a Difference (PMD)

Our mission | PMD seeks to create a world in which people and businesses are socially aware and engaged in their communities such that they approach volunteerism by learning about problems and needs, becoming familiar with local charities that are working to address them, volunteering reliably, and providing other needed resources to make a difference. Our vision is for everyone to be able to volunteer productively a few times a year so that together we make a real difference throughout the year while learning important things along the way. |
Causes |
Children, Education, Environment, Hunger, Senior Services
Positions |
Board TreasurerDesired skills: Accounting*, Board* Board ChairDesired skills: Board*, Management Board SecretaryDesired skills: Legal, Board*, Communications*, Management* Board MemberDesired skills: Accounting, Digital Marketing, Fundraising |
About us | PMD involves and engages people through meaningful, hands-on work that meets local needs by following a strong service ethic to: produce appreciable results while conserving recipients’ limited resources, educate volunteers about broader issues, and bring people together to make a difference. |