Metro Housing|Boston

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Metro Housing|Boston

1411 Tremont St, Boston, MA 02120
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

Metro Housing|Boston mobilizes wide-ranging resources to provide innovative and personalized services that lead families and individuals to housing stability, economic security, and an improved quality of life.

Health, Life Skills

Board Member – Finance

Desired skills: Accounting, Finance*

Board Member – Fundraising

Desired skills: Fundraising, Grants, Public Relations

Board Member – HR

Desired skills: Coaching, Human Resources*

Committee Member – Fundraising

Desired skills: Event Management, Fundraising, Grants
About us

Metro Housing|Boston’s personalized services help residents of greater Boston bridge gaps in the homelessness prevention and affordable housing system. Working with individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes navigate available services, we empower 25,000 households a year to move along the continuum from homelessness to housing stability. Our broad array of programs and services, as well as our extensive network of property owners and fellow service providers, allow us to address a wide range of housing-related issues, from preventing evictions and homelessness, to helping people find suitable homes, to making rent more affordable.