Silver Lining Mentoring

727 Atlantic Ave #3rd+floor, Boston, MA 02111
Phone (617) 830 - 5216
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission | Our mission is to empower youth in foster care to flourish through committed mentoring relationships and the development of essential life skills. Silver Lining Mentoring is the only mentoring organization in Massachusetts that exclusively serves youth in foster care. |
Causes |
Children, Life Skills, Social Justice & Equality
Positions |
Board MemberDesired skills: Business Development, Communications, Finance, Fundraising, Information Technology, Legal, Marketing, Strategy Consulting |
About us | Founded in 2001, Silver Lining empowers foster youth in Greater Boston to thrive through committed mentoring relationships and the development of essential life skills. We provide long term one-to-one mentoring and life skills development for young people who have been removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect. Our volunteer mentors are often the only adults in our youth’s lives who are not paid to spend time with them. |