Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH)

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Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH)

143 Border St, Boston, MA 02128
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

NOAH, the Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, is an East Boston-based community development corporation structured to collaborate with and support residents and communities in their pursuit of affordable housing strategies, environmental justice, community planning, leadership development, and economic development opportunities.

Poverty, Social Justice & Equality

Board Member – Finance

Desired skills: Accounting, Finance*

Board Member – Marketing/Events

Desired skills: Event Management, Communications*, Marketing*

Board Member – Fundraising

Desired skills: Business Development, Grants, Fundraising*

Board Member

Desired skills: Web Design, Legal*
About us

NOAH is a not-for-profit East Boston-based community development corporation. Neighborhood of Affordable Housing (NOAH) began serving East Boston in 1987 as a two-person non-profit organization operating from a church basement. NOAH’s staff has since grown, and it is now in its 30th year as an award-winning multi-service community development corporation. NOAH actively works towards achieving the National Housing Goal of “a decent home and suitable living environment” for every family.