Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center

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Hildebrand Family Self-Help Center

614 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

Hildebrand partners with families experiencing homelessness. We endeavor to break the cycle of homelessness by providing shelter, permanent housing, training and work readiness programs, and life skill development. We restore hope and build brighter futures.

Health, Life Skills, Poverty, Social Justice & Equality

Board Member

Desired skills: Branding, Communications, Diversity/Inclusion, Event Management, Facilities, Fundraising, Information Technology, Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Strategy Consulting
About us

Since 1988, Hildebrand has been driven by the vision that every family has a home. For 33 years, Hildebrand has worked with families experiencing homelessness and has provided shelter, supportive services, permanent homes, and ongoing stabilization services. Today, Hildebrand is one of the largest providers in Massachusetts of emergency shelter for families experiencing homeless. Every year, the organization works with 400 families to help them stabilize, become self-sufficient, and find permanent housing. Hildebrand operates 135 units of emergency shelter, with congregate, co-shelter and scattered-site units; owns 11 units of permanent housing (soon to double to 22 units through a building acquisition); provides supportive programs and resources such as education and employment resources, case management, mental health counseling, financial management and budgeting, food and clothing, housing search and application assistance, family support, and community connections; and offers ongoing stabilization services to families for two years, once they have moved out of shelter and into permanent homes. Hildebrand meets families where they are to get them to where they want to go – from shelter to a home of their own.