Budget Buddies

0 Reviews
6 Liberty Square, Boston, MA 02109
Phone 617-297-7376
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

Empower women to improve their financial health to create a more secure future for their families and communities.

Education, Life Skills, Poverty

Board Member

Desired skills: Branding, Communications, Fundraising

Board Member – Fundraising

Desired skills: Board, Fundraising*
About us

Budget Buddies builds the financial literacy, confidence, and security of low-income women and girls through a unique program that combines instructional workshops and personal, one-to-one coaching. We work with clients referred by local social service agencies and tailor our program to their needs. Dynamic workshops cover a variety of financial topics and volunteer coaches serve as personal mentors and customize assistance to each client.

Please note that our organization is 100% virtual currently.