African Cultural Services inc. (aka Africano Waltham)

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African Cultural Services inc. (aka Africano Waltham)

Waltham, MA 02451
Phone 781-298-1545
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

To use a holistic approach to lift African immigrant youth and their families to succeed in life through provision of a safe space, educational and mental assistance, visual and performing arts, and cultural connections.

Arts & Culture, Children, Education, Life Skills, Senior Services, Social Justice & Equality

Board Member – Fundraising

Desired skills: Grants, Fundraising*

Board Member – Governance

Desired skills: Legal, Board*

Board Member – Finance

Desired skills: Accounting, Finance*

Board Member – HR

Desired skills: Coaching, Human Resources*

Board Member – Technology

Desired skills: Data Analysis, Multimedia, Web Design, Web Development, Information Technology*
About us

Our center, located in the heart of downtown Waltham, has quickly become the go-to resource for many immigrants and a bridge for them to the larger community. The welcoming environment at our center helps encourage African immigrants to get connected to each other and to the local resources they so desperately need. We help to significantly reduce chronic isolation while developing growth opportunities for Africans of all ages.