Responsible for preparing the budget, ensuring the organization has viable business plans, keeping abreast with new developments in the nonprofit accounting laws and principles, making sure all staff members follow appropriate ethical standards when dealing with money issues.
Grant Writers research, draft and submit proposals that help organizations or individuals receive grant funding. They also work with leaders in the organization to identify financial needs and ensure they reach their annual goals.
The basics: Our board members are passionate about the mission and serve as ambassadors for the organization. They share a love of literacy and an understanding of the importance of reading as a foundation for creating opportunity. The ideal board member will • have served in a leadership role within their professional sphere • share…
While financial management is the primary focus of the Treasurer, the entire board shares the responsibility of financial oversight and accountability. Financial management and/or oversight. A Treasurer oversees the management of the financial affairs of the organization, including selecting a bank, reconciling bank statements, and managing cash flow. – Responsible for investing funds consistent with…
The ThinkGive Board of Directors has three primary legal duties: Duty of Care: Ensure prudent use of assets, including facility, people, and good will; Duty of Loyalty: Ensure that ThinkGive’s activities and transactions are, first and foremost, advancing its mission; Recognize and disclose conflicts of interest; Make decisions that are in the best interest of…