Share Fund

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Share Fund

150 Wakefield St #14, Rochester, Nh 03867
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

To provide material and financial assistance to address emergency basic needs and inspire people to become financially self-sufficient.

Hunger, Poverty

Board Member

Desired skills: Board, Communications, Fundraising, Grants, Marketing, Public Relations
About us

The SHARE Fund began over 25 years ago as an outreach ministry program of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church in Rochester. In 2008, the SHARE Fund became an independent nonprofit agency, federally registered as a 501c3 public charity. With the strong roots provided by the church, the SHARE Fund continues to grow and has become an integral service provider for people in need living in our community. SHARE focuses on providing assistance with food, clothing, basic utilities and affordable housing in areas not typically serviced by other agencies or organizations.