37 Central Square, Lynn, MA 01901
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

To ignite the desire to create and confidence to succeed in our youth.

Arts & Culture, Children, Life Skills

Board Member

Desired skills: Finance
About us

Located in Lynn, Massachusetts, RAW is a youth arts organization, rooted in art therapy. Each year, 400+ youth ages 8-19 participate in weekly visual and expressive arts groups, digital film school classes, leadership development, teen employment, and college access/career exploration programs. By creating deeply personal artwork at RAW, young people process their experiences, express them to a community that feels like home, and come to feel the strengths within themselves. These strengths support youth as they transition into an adulthood characterized by agency, self-efficacy, and community/civic engagement.