Raising A Reader Massachusetts

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Raising A Reader Massachusetts

3 School St #3rd+floor, Boston, MA 02108
Phone 617-292-2665
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

To close the literacy opportunity gap among children ages birth to age six in under-resourced communities by helping families develop and practice shared home reading habits.

Children, Education, Social Justice & Equality

Board Member

Desired skills: Board, Communications, Fundraising, Human Resources, Management, Marketing, Public Relations, Strategy Consulting
About us

Raising A Reader Massachusetts was founded in 2006 by the GreenLight Fund, which identifies groundbreaking, innovative, and results-oriented nonprofits in cities around the country and replicates those programs in Massachusetts and other states. A flagship affiliate of the national Raising A Reader organization. Raising A Reader Massachusetts launched its program in Chelsea and strategically expanded to serve Boston, Brockton, Everett, Holyoke, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Malden, Revere, and Springfield. The nonprofit provides resources and support to empower family engagement in early literacy for young children.