New England Justice for Our Neighbors

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New England Justice for Our Neighbors

421 Common St, Belmont, MA 02478
Phone 617-866-2552
To contact this organization, select the board position you are interested in from the list below and "Express Interest"
Our mission

New England Justice for Our Neighbors welcomes immigrants by providing free, expert legal services to low-income immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers. We also engage in advocacy for immigrant justice and offer education to communities of faith and the public.

Poverty, Social Justice & Equality

Board Member - Treasurer

Desired skills: Board, Digital Marketing, Fundraising, Grants, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Social Media

Board Member - Financial Admin.

Desired skills: Board, Digital Marketing, Fundraising, Grants, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Social Media

Board Member - Multiple Positions

Desired skills: Board, Digital Marketing, Fundraising, Grants, Human Resources, Legal, Marketing, Social Media
About us

New England Justice for Our Neighbors provides free, expert immigration legal services for low-and no-income individuals and families, specializing in humanitarian cases. Our clients include unaccompanied minors; asylum applicants; and victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, and violent crimes.