Board Member – Finance

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Our board Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Massachusetts and Rhode Island (PLAN of MA and RI) is a non-profit organization that provides planning and trust management services to individuals with special needs throughout Massachusetts and Rhode Island. We are committed to serving disabled individuals by helping to enhance their quality of life, supporting their integration into the community, and providing peace of mind through individualized trust management and social services. The organization was originally incorporated as the MARC Trust in the 1960’s by parents who were concerned about the well being of their children with disabilities after the parents died.
PLAN of MA and RI manages approximately $65 million for more than 750 beneficiaries. It is currently the largest pooled trust serving Massachusetts and Rhode Island. Additional information about us and our mission can be found at
Position Our mission is to provide quality trustee/fiduciary services to individuals and their families through sound and thoughtful trust administration and compassionate, caring social service support serving individuals with mental health, developmental, and physical disabilities of all ages in MA and RI communities.  PLAN is the oldest and largest pooled trust in New England.  We currently have approximately 750 beneficiaries and $65 million in assets under management.  PLAN provides professional trust administration of Special Needs Trusts for people of all ages with any type of disability including mental health, developmental and physical disabilities in the Massachusetts and Rhode Island communities. Our services include trust administration, professional investment of funds and social services by licensed social workers.
Desired skills
When The board meets quarterly
Where Currently, Board meetings are via zoom.
Commitment 1 to 3 hours/month
Donation Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements PLAN is interested in adding additional Board members who will bring certain expertise that will complement and/or strengthen the current Board. PLAN is specifically interested in people who have or had
1. Senior management experience at companies or organizations that are involved with people with disabilities and/or their own life experience working with a family or friend with a disability.
2. Attorneys/managers with experience in elder care/disability.
3. Those with asset management experience.
On-boarding PLAN of MA and RI welcomes new board members who share PLAN’s mission with the expectation that they will energize the board, bring fresh ideas and strengthen existing capacity. For new board members to be most effective, they need to familiarize themselves with PLAN’s mission, strategic goals and services, current operations, financials, governance (including bylaws and committee charters), and other essential information.

While there is no formal orientation program for new board members, the Governance Committee recommends the following strategies for introducing new board members to PLAN.
• Initial Orientation Meetings.
• Review of the PLAN website
• Attendance at board meetings
• Visit to the PLAN Office
• Financial Analysis
• Peer Mentoring
• Document Review
Additional Info We are currently looking to bring people onto our board that have expertise in investments.
Our mission

Our mission is to provide quality trustee/fiduciary services to individuals and their families through sound and thoughtful trust administration and compassionate, caring social service support serving individuals with mental health, developmental, and physical disabilities of all ages in MA and RI communities.

Children, Social Justice & Equality