Board Member
The Elizabeth Peabody House

275 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02145

Board Member

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Our board
Position We are seeking new board members with an interest in community-based organizations, early childhood education, and youth enrichment services.
Desired skills
Business Development, Facilities, Fundraising, Human Resources, Information Technology, Project Management, Web Design
When 6-8pm one Monday per month (mutually agreeable week)
Where 275 Broadway, Somerville
Commitment 1 to 3 hours/month
Donation Organization strives for 100% board giving, but have no strict guidelines around financial contributions.
Requirements Interest in Early childhood Education and Youth Enrichment Services.
On-boarding The term would start in August/September of 2019; terms are 3 years.
Our mission

The mission of Elizabeth Peabody House is to support families in our community in reaching their full potential through early childhood education, youth enrichment and development, and family services.

Children, Education